Category: dissolution of marriage

The Jaffe Memo and Eugenics

After World War 2, it became unwise to advocate for eugenics openly.  However, since eugenicists believed that they were only extending scientific principles, and felt that they stood on the bedrock of Darwinian truth, they could not just abandon the program.  They explicitly took to covert means of advancing their agenda, and, deprived of coercive …

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Separating Sex from Reproduction, the School, and the State

“The family is already being eroded by the intervention of school and state, and [the separation of sex from reproduction] might be its coup de grace.” G. Taylor, 1968

George Bernard Shaw and Murder by the State, Marriage, and Eugenics

The following article was found in the March 4th edition of The Daily Express in 1910.  Reproduced under Fair Use Provisions. If anyone has any corrections they would like to post to the text (which was hard to read) please pass them along.  Images of the most readable text are at the end of this …

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