Category: Planned Parenthood

“abortions for low-income people, we are eugenicists” Planned Parenthood

Their efforts are a sign that the left knows it needs new strategies, but also of the wide disagreement over what they should be. In describing her vision, Ms. Reyes used language some say is similar to the rhetoric frequently deployed by abortion rights’ fiercest opponents. “If all we [Planned Parenthood] do as an organization …

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The Jaffe Memo and Eugenics

After World War 2, it became unwise to advocate for eugenics openly.  However, since eugenicists believed that they were only extending scientific principles, and felt that they stood on the bedrock of Darwinian truth, they could not just abandon the program.  They explicitly took to covert means of advancing their agenda, and, deprived of coercive …

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Julian Huxley: The History of Population Control–Malthus and Darwin and Birth Control

Today, one can hear people talking endlessly about ‘birth control’ without remembering that just a few decades ago, it was synonymous with ‘population control’ (see this excerpt from the same book quoted below) and that the population control advocates themselves saw themselves as merely applying the laws Malthus discovered and Darwin proved–the very same outlook …

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How Birth Control Morphed into Population Control, via Margaret Sanger

From Margaret Sanger: Pioneer of Birth Control by Lawrence Lader and Milton Meltzer (1969) in a chapter titled “Population, Peace, and Plenty” pg 160-161 Today the world has caught up with the crucial necessity for population control. Many political leaders consider it second only to the threat of nuclear war as the key issue of …

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The Roots of the Concentration Camp Were American and British Eugenicists, Not Nazis

For what its worth, the very idea of the ‘concentration camp’ was as much American and British, if not more, as it was Nazi Germany.  These ‘segregation’ camps were seen as humane and hygienic ways to prevent the breeding of ‘defective stock.’  Quotes from Eugenicists discussing such camps are provided below.  No attempt is made …

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Family Planning Arguments Same in America as in Nazi Germany

Source:  The Nuremberg Trials Project;  Evidently, this was to be submitted in the defense of Karl Brandt, but was not. Perhaps a letter submitted to the editor of a German newspaper, “Neurnberger Nachricten”?  Date unknown–January, 1947 on the original source document.  Clearly written after 1933, and cannot be after 1945, since the National Socialists are …

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