From Volume 5 of the ‘Blue Series’ transcript of the Nazi war crimes trial, pgs 373-378. [This was copied and pasted from a PDF, which needs to be cleaned up.] I propose today to prove to you that all this organized and vast criminality springs from what I may be allowed to call a crime …
Category: Christianity
Eugenics as a Religion and Social Darwinism, Collin Wells
Source: Dr. Collin Wells, “Social Darwinism” a paper presented in 1907, found in The American Journal of Sociology, pages 706-709 Finally, what is the evolutionary value of certain ideals? Let us take individualism, the ideal of democracy, which has tacitly figured in many of the phenomena to which I have already referred. Let us go …
Religion an Obstacle to Science; Socialism Fights For Eugenics, a Letter to the Editor
A letter to the editor found in The Eugenics Review, pages 346-347 (1933) [Source] The Church has always opposed progress in sexual reform. Scientists are continually cavilling at its reactionary influence. It is an appendage of the capitalist State which serves the purpose of doping the people with its promise of pie (in the next …
Eugenics and Christianity in a Letter to the Eugenics Review
Norman A. Thompson, “Eugenics and Christianity”, published in The Eugenics Review, pages 346-347 (1933) [Source] To the Editor, Eugenics Review Sir, In these latter days of the general liquefaction of ideas, philosophies, and policies, whether founded on dogma or tradition, or on other bases, which may have satisfied our understanding at earlier stages of the …
Life Unworthy of Life Yesterday and Today, Science, Secularism, and the Sanctity of Life
This foreword is reprinted with permission of the author and may not be copied and re-posted. The foreword originally appears in the translation of Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche’s Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life | Buy on Amazon | Kindle Life Unworthy of Life Yesterday and Today, Science, Secularism, and the …
Eugenics and Evolution are Incompatible with Charity and Altruism
One of the common themes of eugenic writers is that if Darwinism and evolution were properly understood, charity and altruism could very well inflict a great harm on a population, and indeed, threatening to do just that. This post will catalog quotes of eugenicists making that argument. ——— From Madison Grant in The Passing of …
Christianity and Eugenics Diametrically Opposed
One of the common themes that surfaces in the writings of eugenicists is how Christianity is the antithesis of the eugenics mindset. Catholics in particular are often singled out. No person educated in evolution and Darwinism could possibly stand opposed to eugenics–or remain a Christian. At the very least, tenets of religious faith that stress …
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