After eugenics became unpopular, it morphed seamlessly into over-population control, which morphed into environmentalism, which morphed into today’s ‘climate change’ hysteria. Besides the fact that all of the same people are involved (eg, Gaylord Nelson, a founder of Earth Day, cited Harrison Brown, a eugenicist, in defense of his views) and share roughly the same underlying ideological presuppositions, they share the same characteristic flair for asserting that the end of the world is near at hand… unless, of course, society adopts sweeping changes that puts them in charge and gives them even more money and power to combat the problem du juor. The other thing they have in common is the fact that virtually none of their doomsday prophecies, supposedly based on rock solid science, ever come true. Here is a cartoon associated with the original, 1970s Earth Day. Better pat yourself to make sure you’re still alive…
Richard Dawkins: Eugenics may not be bad
Objections to Compulsory Sterilization “are essentially sentimental.”
End of the Earth in 35 Years – Earth Day 1970 Cartoon
- Filed under 1970, Earth Day, eugenics quote of the day, Gaylord Nelson, Harrison Brown, Year
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- Anthony.Horvath on About
- Anthony.Horvath on About
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American Eugenics
applied biology
Biological Laws
birth control
birth defects
compulsory sterilization
dysgenic breeding
eugenics quote of the day
every child a wanted child
family planning
family size
Fit and Unfit
human breeding
laws of heredity
Laws of Nature
legislative eugenics
man as animal
mental defectives
Natural selection
population control
Progressive Era
race betterment
rational selection
sanctity of life
social body
Dr. Harrison Brown was a one-of-a-kind researcher and environmental realist, regarding earth’s limited resources. He was NOT a population control expert or a eugenicist! He was a physicist! He did not want to eradicate our population, but protect and prolong it! His amazing contributions to material science should NEVER be undervalued or devalued by his extreme ideas regarding our explosive population growth. He was way ahead of his time; and, had we listened to him, our current earth problems would be much less.
People who hate God follow their father of lies. Christians follow their father of truth ,God. Jesus redeemed us. We are not fighting flesh and blood enemies but evil pricipalities and rulers of the air. Not by might ,not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord. The sword of the Spirit is the word of God. We are the temple and are indwelt by Christ. God said. I believe it. Pray without ceasing. Amen
Harrison Brown was a eugenicist:
“Such steps would undoubtedly contribute substantially to a slowing down of species deterioration. But it is clear that they would by no means be sufficient. A broad eugenics program would have to be formulated which would aid in the establishment of policies that would encourage able and healthy person to have several offspring and discourage the unfit from breeding at excessive rates. Here, of course, we encounter numerous difficulties – what would constitute “fit” and what would constitute “unfit”? Where is the boundary between the mentally deficient person and the genius?”
Of course he didn’t want to eradicate our population. Few eugenicists ever did. They just want to get rid of the weak and feeble, one way or the other. In whose opinion weak and feeble? A hard question, as Brown so graciously concedes. What a guy.