One of the under-appreciated elements of what animated the eugenics mindset was the view that each species could very well be conceived of as a ‘body’ of sort. A different level of moral calculation could be applied to the ‘social organism’ or ‘social body’ then the individual. This is no mere invoking of the ‘common …
Category: Darwinism
The Lethal Chamber Proposal, 1930 Letter to Editor by Dr. Richard Berry
A little known fact is that those with a eugenics mindset had been talking about ‘lethal chambers’ and ‘segregation camps’ for a long time before the Nazis actually used them. Here is one example. The Lethal Chamber Proposal To the Editor, Eugenics Review SIR,-I observe in your issue of April 1930, page 6, that you …
Frederick Taylor and the Connection Between Eugenics, Capitalism, and Communism: Scientific Management
Buy “Scientific Management” on Amazon | Kindle | Nook Frederick Taylor and the Connection Between Eugenics, Capitalism, and Communism: Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor has blood on his hands. Judging from the reaction typical of those familiar with Taylor’s work, the idea that he, or at least, his ideas, were complicit in any great crimes …
Definition of Eugenics
Eugenics Defined Eugenics is “the study of, or belief in, the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits …
Christianity and Eugenics Diametrically Opposed
One of the common themes that surfaces in the writings of eugenicists is how Christianity is the antithesis of the eugenics mindset. Catholics in particular are often singled out. No person educated in evolution and Darwinism could possibly stand opposed to eugenics–or remain a Christian. At the very least, tenets of religious faith that stress …
The Obstacle of Sentiment and Sentimentalists to Pure Scientific Application
One of the common themes that surfaces in eugenic writings is their annoyance that others do not act on the logical implications of Science. Note that, in the main, they are not taking issue with people who do not agree with their conclusions, but rather those who do agree–but will not act on them. This …
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