Category: tuberculous

Charity a Hindrance to Natural Selection

In the following foreword from a compilation of 12 eugenic lectures (1914), we see that eugenics is perceived as merely applied evolution.  Furthermore, ‘modern man,’ being a sympathetic being, keeps alive those that should die.   With luck, principles of breeding already used with animals will be brought to bear on humans. ——————- Foreword by Lewellys …

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G. P. Mudge, “Biology, Theology and Medicine in Relation to the State.” and the crippling of the nation

G. P. Mudge,  “Biology, Theology and Medicine in Relation to the State.” London Hospital Gazette, Yol. 17, No. S. May, 1911. pp. 189-193.  As quoted by Leonard Cole at the First Conference for Race Betterment in 1914.  No doubt it seemeth right to alleviate misery, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to pamper …

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