Theodore Roosevelt on Madison Grant’s “The Passing of the Great Race”

Theodore Roosevelt commends Madison Grant’s book, The Passing of the Great RaceHT
In Scribners’ magazine, 1917, Theodore Roosevelt wrote the following about Madison Grant’s book “The Passing of The Great Race”:

[editor’s foreword, describing Grant’s book, followed by Roosevelt’s endorsement]
The vast subject of the origin, relationship, evolution, migration, and expansion of European man is here considered in connection with the phenomena of the civilization to-day.

“The book is a capital book; in purpose, in vision, in grasp of the facts our people most need to realize. It shows an extraordinary range of reading and a wide scholarship. It shows a habit of singular serious thought on the subject of most commanding importance. It shows a fine fearlessness in assailing the popular and mischievous sentimentalities and attractive and corroding falsehoods which few men dare assail. It is the work of an American scholar and gentleman; and all Americans should be sincerely grateful to you for writing it.”
– Theodore Roosevelt


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