Category: insanity

“Strategic Planning for Mental Health” by J. R. Rees, 1940

Strategic Planning for Mental Health By Colonel J. R. (John Rawlings) Rees, M.D.   [SOURCE: mental-health-vol-1-no-4-october-1940] Summary of an address given at the Annual Meeting of the National Council for Mental Hygiene on June 18th, 1940. By Colonel J. R. Rees, M.D. It would be hard to imagine a time more unusual or more trying than …

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Nobel Prize Winner Carrel: Euthanize the Defectives and Criminals

Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize Winner.  Man the Unknown, 1939.  [Source] There remains the unsolved problem of the immense number of defectives and criminals. They are an enormous burden for the part of the population that has remained normal. As already pointed out, gigantic sums are now required to maintain prisons and insane asylums and protect …

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Scientific American: “The Science of Breeding Better Men” 1911

Editorial from a 1911 edition of Scientific American [Source]: Sci-Am’s Editor’s note: This editorial was written and published in 1911. Although our editors of a century ago pondered some lofty aspirations for the orderly future of humans, it was only three decades later that the brutal reality of a Nazi social order suffused with a …

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Julian Huxley: Population Control, Eugenics, and Birth Control all part of the same Program

Contemporary advocates for birth control exhibit no awareness whatsoever that birth control was always conceived in the context of ‘eliminating the unfit,’ ie., eugenics.  Eugenics, in turn, was considered a straight-forward logical extension of Darwinism.  Eugenics was seen as human control of human evolution, and was always tied into discussions on ‘population control.’  These are …

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Eugenic Quote of the Day: Compulsory Vaccination and Compulsory Sterilization? Justified on the Same Principle

Oliver Wendell Holmes in the 1927 Buck vs. Bell decision upholding the forced sterilization of Carrie Buck, ‘feeble-minded.’  [Reference] An Act of Virginia, approved March 20, 1924, recites that the health of the patient and the welfare of society may be promoted in certain cases by the sterilization of mental defectives, under careful safeguard, &c.; …

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